Ever wonder what you could do with your trash? Here are some ideas that will get your family recycling in ways that you thought you could never do.
Here is a website that has tons of ideas for creating those priceless treasures:
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Donate your unused up to date products today!
Have you gone shopping just to buy the wrong flavor of tea or the wrong bottle of shampoo? Have you ever thought now what am I going to do as i don't have time to take it back? So you go ahead put it in the cupboard and there it sits for who knows how long.
I have done this so many times, and I just end of throwing it out. Until one day I got a bright idea like many lol. I wanted to get into the gift basket industry, but the costs are just nuts. From baskets to supplies I was looking over $5,ooo to just start. I nearly had a heart attack about it. So I pondered about it for a bit, and came up with another way to create a greener world. Why not create second hand gift baskets, filled with products and items donated by people like you.
Not only are we working together to create a greener world, we are also saving local landfills. As well bring customers a new way to shop without breaking the pocketbook. Some people rolled their eyes up at me, but others thought it was a wonderful idea to buy a second hand gift basket filled with past treasures.
So help us fill our baskets by donating your unused products, or used clothing etc that are is good condition and help build a better world by going green.
Written by Anita Riddell
I have done this so many times, and I just end of throwing it out. Until one day I got a bright idea like many lol. I wanted to get into the gift basket industry, but the costs are just nuts. From baskets to supplies I was looking over $5,ooo to just start. I nearly had a heart attack about it. So I pondered about it for a bit, and came up with another way to create a greener world. Why not create second hand gift baskets, filled with products and items donated by people like you.
Not only are we working together to create a greener world, we are also saving local landfills. As well bring customers a new way to shop without breaking the pocketbook. Some people rolled their eyes up at me, but others thought it was a wonderful idea to buy a second hand gift basket filled with past treasures.
So help us fill our baskets by donating your unused products, or used clothing etc that are is good condition and help build a better world by going green.
Written by Anita Riddell
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
We can help educate our families and communities about the importance of recycling for our environment, and how each of us can make a difference for a better world by recycling.
-- Robert Alan
But our waste problem is not the fault only of producers. It is the fault of an economy that is wasteful from top to bottom—a symbiosis of an unlimited greed at the top and a lazy, passive, and self-indulgent consumptiveness at the bottom—and all of us are involved in it.
-- Wendell Berry
Every moment has led to this moment. Now is the time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. Together we can create a better world. -- Robert Alan
Life is too short to waste stop and do something about it Anita Riddell
Do you have a famous quote about recycling, creating change etc. Tell me about it and I will post it. send emails to fromtrashtotreasures@gmx.com
-- Robert Alan
But our waste problem is not the fault only of producers. It is the fault of an economy that is wasteful from top to bottom—a symbiosis of an unlimited greed at the top and a lazy, passive, and self-indulgent consumptiveness at the bottom—and all of us are involved in it.
-- Wendell Berry
Every moment has led to this moment. Now is the time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. Together we can create a better world. -- Robert Alan
Life is too short to waste stop and do something about it Anita Riddell
Do you have a famous quote about recycling, creating change etc. Tell me about it and I will post it. send emails to fromtrashtotreasures@gmx.com
My Inspirations
In my life and have been so inspired by the things I see and do. For example a few months back my hubby and I were at the local dump. Dropping off gravel and dirt we did not need. I was in shock by what I seen, useful items that could have been reused by someone in need. There was also items that could have been fixed. Like a dresser with a missing leg. And a chair that could have been recovered. What is this world becoming.
It is sad to see so many struggle when in reality they don't have too. What happen to neighbors helping neighbors. Have we forgotten what matters the most.. Think about it if you were sick and had no one, wouldn't you want your neighbor to care. Wouldn't you welcome that hot chicken soup or that welcome companion ship. We need to reality need to start putting the shoe on the other foot and think about our actions before it is to late.
It is the same thing when it comes to recycling. Do we really need a new couch and chair? Can't we just reupholster it. Think about it would save you over $1000. What would you do with that extra $1000 that you didn't have to throw away. What about those old clothes ok so we lost 15 lbs. Well we could pass them on to someone else in need. Make some useful bags. Create some great dust rags etc. There is so many ideas it is priceless.
Think before you throw something away. can it be fixed, painted, or donated to help someone in need. By doing this you are doing your part in saving our earth. help a neighbor, help a friend so you care to make a better place for all us to live in.
Got some recycling ideas share them with us. email them to fromtrashtotreasures@gmx.com and I will post them.
It is sad to see so many struggle when in reality they don't have too. What happen to neighbors helping neighbors. Have we forgotten what matters the most.. Think about it if you were sick and had no one, wouldn't you want your neighbor to care. Wouldn't you welcome that hot chicken soup or that welcome companion ship. We need to reality need to start putting the shoe on the other foot and think about our actions before it is to late.
It is the same thing when it comes to recycling. Do we really need a new couch and chair? Can't we just reupholster it. Think about it would save you over $1000. What would you do with that extra $1000 that you didn't have to throw away. What about those old clothes ok so we lost 15 lbs. Well we could pass them on to someone else in need. Make some useful bags. Create some great dust rags etc. There is so many ideas it is priceless.
Think before you throw something away. can it be fixed, painted, or donated to help someone in need. By doing this you are doing your part in saving our earth. help a neighbor, help a friend so you care to make a better place for all us to live in.
Got some recycling ideas share them with us. email them to fromtrashtotreasures@gmx.com and I will post them.
Monday, September 19, 2011
great recycling Ideas for kids
Want to teach your children how to go green and have fun while doing in. Here is a great site to do just that http://www.craftbits.com/recycled-crafts They offer recycling ideas from a beginner to the most experienced. You will have so much fun. You will want to get the whole family involved. So check out these great ideas and start recycling your world.
Recycling Tips to Create a Greener World/
Top Recycling Tips
- First things first, a little R & R & R The aphorism is so tired it almost might seem like "reduce, reuse, recycle" should go without saying. But in fact, most of us have only really heard the last third of the phrase, and they're ranked in order of importance. Reducing the amount that we consume, and shifting our consumption to well-designed products and services, is the first step. Finding constructive uses for "waste" materials is next. And tossing it in the blue bin is last. (The garbage can is not on the list, for good reason.) Through a balance of these three principals you can easily see your landfill-destined waste dwindle fast. A good example of recycling is setting your empty water bottles in the bin on the curb. But by using a water filter and reusable container you canreduce or completely eliminate your need for disposable plastic bottles.
- Know what you can and can't recycle Read up on the recycling rules for your area and make sure you don't send anything in that can't be processed. Each city has its own specifics, so try to follow those guidelines as best you can.
- Buy recycled The essence of recycling is the cyclical movement of materials through the system, eliminating waste and the need to extract more virgin materials. Supporting recycling means feeding this loop by not only recycling, but also supporting recycled products. We can now find high recycled content in everything from printer paper to office chairs.
- Encourage an artist If you know someone interested in making art from recycled materials, offer to provide supplies. Many school children need items like paper towel tubes for art projects. Older artists use everything from rubber bands to oven doors. If you know someone who teaches art classes, suggest that an emphasis be put on making art from trash. While you're at it, remind them to use recycled paper and biodegradable, earth-friendly glues, paints, and pencils whenever possible. See below for inspiration and groups that connect artists and students with useful "trash."
- Recycle your water If you're a homeowner, consider rearranging your plumbing so that rainwater or wastewater from your shower and tub is used to flush your toilet. If you have a garden, water it with leftover bathwater or dishwashing water (as long as you use a biodegradable soap). For more on water recycling see How to Go Green: Water.
- Recycle your greenery William McDonough and Michael Braungart, authors of the groundbreaking Cradle to Cradle, envision so-called "waste" divided into two categories: technical nutrients and biological nutrients. Biological nutrients are those that, at the end of their useful life, can safely and readily decompose and return to the soil. Composting is one of the simplest and most effective recycling methods. Both your garden cuttings and your green kitchen waste can go into an outdoor or indoor composter (with or without entertaining a population of worms). If you don't have a garden yourself, find neighbors or a community garden that can make use of your soil. Composting food scraps will mean your regular kitchen wastebasket fills up more slowly and also won't smell. Hotter, more active compost heaps can also consume tougher stuff like newspaper and paper napkins. After Christmas, many cities also have programs for turning your tree into mulch.
- Recycle your robots Electronics recycling is becoming more common in many urban areas, battery recycling is ubiquitous (rechargeable batteries are ecologically sounder, but even they wear out after a while), and there are a number of non-profit organizations that will take computer parts and turn them into working computers for others. Companies like Ebay have also developed programs to help your electronics find new homes. Other groups will gladly recycle your cell phone or give it to a senior citizen, as even without a contract it can still make emergency calls. If you have a major appliance that doesn't work and you'd rather replace it than try to fix it, offer it to local repair shops, trade schools, or hobbyists to tinker with. Many cities now offer hazardous waste recycling days when they will take not only hazardous waste, but electronics.
- Anticipate recycling In addition to buying recycled goods, keep a keen eye out for recyclable goods. Whenever you purchase something packaged, think about how you can reuse the packaging, return it to a shipping store for reuse, or try to otherwise recycle it. If you get something likely to run down or wear out over time, such as an electronic component, give preference to the model that can be easily upgraded or cannibalized for parts so that you don't have to junk the whole thing if one part breaks. Products that are impossibly fused together are often called "monstrous hybrids" and are, while often cheaper up front, frequently unfixable and unrecyclable.
- If you don't love something, let it go Lots of charities welcome your donations. Groups like Freecycle and Recycler's Exchange exist to help you get rid of useful objects that you just don't want to make use of. If you're in a Craigslist city, make use of the "free stuff" section. Give away clothes that don't fit, the boxes you used in your last house move, or scented soaps that don't appeal to your sensibilities. Make it a rule in your house that nothing useable goes in the trash until you've given the community a fair shot at it.
- Become a waste-stream analyst To better understand the kind of materials that enter and leave your home, office, or school, consider conducting a waste audit. Set a span of time like a week or a month, and separate your waste categories. Weigh the different kinds of material flows that go out the door (landfill waste, organic compost, aluminum, recyclable plastic, reusable material, etc.). Design a "material recovery" program that minimizes the amount going to the landfill. This is a great exercise to do with kids but can be very convincing to corporate higher-ups, too, especially since most companies pay to have their trash hauled away and can get money for recycled paper, containers, toner cartridges, corrugated cardboard, and such.
Recycling: By the Numbers
- 544,000: Trees saved if every household in the United States or Canada replaced just one roll of virgin fiber paper towels (70 sheets) with 100 percent recycled ones.
- 20 million: Tons of electronic waste thrown away each year. One ton of scrap from discarded computers contains more gold than can be produced from 17 tons of gold ore.
- 9 cubic yards: Amount of landfill space saved by recycling one ton of cardboard.
- $160 billion: Value of the global recycling industry that employs over 1.5 million people.
- 79 million tons: Amount of waste material diverted away from disposal in 2005 through recycling and composting.
- 5 percent: Fraction of the energy it takes to recycle aluminum versus mining and refining new aluminum.
- 315 kg: Amount of carbon dioxide not released into the atmosphere each time a metric ton of glass is used to create new glass products.
- 98 percent: Percentage of glass bottles in Denmark that are refillable. 98 percent of those are returned by consumers for reuse.
- 51.5 percent: Percentage of the paper consumed in the U.S. that was recovered for recycling in 2005.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Sewing to Live
I have been sewing for over 10 years now. And I am no expert, but I do enjoy it. It creates a sense of peace and enjoyment in my life. Sewing has given me a chance at creating a new life for my family and myself. As I can sell what I create. It is hard work sewing, adding embellishments, just to find out your added the wrong thing. So back to the drawing board I go again.
I sit here pondering of what I want to make next among the jeans, and old fabric that I have recycled from many clothes. I sit here sipping my tea and thinking what could I make next that could make a difference in someone's life. I cut out the patterns, sew the wrong sides together, add buttons where I need to. And smile and my newly created master piece.
I sew to make a living and make a difference in the lives of the people around me. And to see my accomplishments in their smiles. What more could I ask for not a thing. As I was granted a precious moment in my children's life when my son acts like batman in his new cape and my daughter acts like a princess in her new dress clothes. I am honored to have front roll seats to see the show of the century.
And I smile as it plays over and over again in my mind.
I sit here pondering of what I want to make next among the jeans, and old fabric that I have recycled from many clothes. I sit here sipping my tea and thinking what could I make next that could make a difference in someone's life. I cut out the patterns, sew the wrong sides together, add buttons where I need to. And smile and my newly created master piece.
I sew to make a living and make a difference in the lives of the people around me. And to see my accomplishments in their smiles. What more could I ask for not a thing. As I was granted a precious moment in my children's life when my son acts like batman in his new cape and my daughter acts like a princess in her new dress clothes. I am honored to have front roll seats to see the show of the century.
And I smile as it plays over and over again in my mind.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Making A Difference
Have you ever wonder what it takes to make a difference in this world. A difference that would change the lives of the people you touch. When I started my business never did I think I would be doing just such thing. It all started from a trip to the landfill site where my hubby and I dumped our garbage. I was in shock to see the things like furniture, clothing, toys, planters and more. That was being thrown out that could have been recycled or given to those in need. So I decided to do something about it. So I create a new business called From Trash To Treasures. Which is dedicated to recycling everyday items and creating priceless treasures. I also help stay at home moms and dads reycle everyday items to create an income. That would make a difference in their lives. Not only is my business help them it is also building tighter communities, saving local landfills and making a difference to those around me. We collect donations like used clothing,bedding, furniture and more. All items are either donated to those who are in need. recycled to make bags, purses and more. We also do fundraisers to raise money for supplies such as thread, fabric, sewing notions and more to help moms and dads who recycle. yes i found my calling and I am creating a difference. You can too by recycling items around your home. Donating to those who are in need. By this you are saving your local landfills and creating a tighter community. And making a difference in the lives of people around you. To learn more about me and the opportunity I offer please visit http://www.fromtrashtotreasures.blogspot.com We are also accepting donations no matter how small so please donate today to make a difference.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Making A Difference Recycling to Create Change
Have you ever wonder what you could do to make a difference in your life. And the way you see things happening to our world. We all know that one person alone can not change the world. But one person alone can make a difference and bring awareness. Start by recycling the things you use everyday. Things like milk jugs, clothing, etc. create a compose bin with that great stuff you can grow a wonderful garden. Save the pictures your kids draw on they make a great wrapping paper. The recycling ideas are endless. By recycling you are saving your landfill and creating a positive change in your home and live. And by getting out awareness you are building a tighter community. Find charities and get involved you may be surprised of what you have a home that can be recycled or donated. Consider donating your used items items like donating a bed can make a difference to some one who does not have. Donating clothing can help make someone feel warm and loved. Baking for the elderly couple down the street can also make them feel that someone cares to make a difference in their lives. You will be amazed of what stories they would share. If we all did our part to make a difference in this world. This world would become a different place. A place that we can all be proud of. Instead our world is full of war, hate, hunger. Start today and make difference in your life and in the life of those around you. And you will start to see a better world for you and for me. if you could make this world a better place what would you change and why? please share your anwers with me and together we can make a difference.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Twoonie days at From Trash To Treasures
Twoonie days at From Trash To Treasures get on the wagon and get your ad added on my blog for just $2 this sale is on just till tomorrow so grab a spot while you can. for more info contact us
Friday, March 11, 2011
New Updates
Hello everyone I hope you all are enjoying reading my blog. In the next few weeks we will be updating an adding more info to the blog such as the reading express, sew alongs, give aways and more. If you have something that you would like to add to my blog please email me and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
My goal is to bring as much attention as I can to my blog. As I am trying to help as many women as I can change their lives and make a difference. In their communities and local landfills by recycling everyday items to create an income. With hopes that we can fight to save what is left of our world. And change the way we see it, such as hate, racism, and hunger. Together we can a create a new world by supporting each other to make difference.
Take a stand and fight with me and show your support to help us make a difference.
My goal is to bring as much attention as I can to my blog. As I am trying to help as many women as I can change their lives and make a difference. In their communities and local landfills by recycling everyday items to create an income. With hopes that we can fight to save what is left of our world. And change the way we see it, such as hate, racism, and hunger. Together we can a create a new world by supporting each other to make difference.
Take a stand and fight with me and show your support to help us make a difference.
Extra Extra Get On The Reading Express! With The Gunfighting Adventures of Tennessee Sam" by Samuel Sams
Have you read a good western lately? Here's a sample from Chapter 5 of "The Gunfighting Adventures of Tennessee Sam" by Samuel Sams.
"All of a sudden all the hate in the world welled up in side of me and I yelled, "YOU MURDERED, YOU KILLER OF WOMEN, YOU DESTROYER OF CHILDREN."
Find out what happens next,
This book can be ordered through Amazon for $10.99 + shipping or order it directly from the author for $10.00 + shipping which is $3.00. Paypal address is mamasams17@yahoo.com and you can contact us thru same addie.
Liquidate My Attic Ebay store is a place to find most anything from antiques to sewing machine If your looking for something let me know I may have it. mamasams17@yahoo.com.
"All of a sudden all the hate in the world welled up in side of me and I yelled, "YOU MURDERED, YOU KILLER OF WOMEN, YOU DESTROYER OF CHILDREN."
Find out what happens next,
This book can be ordered through Amazon for $10.99 + shipping or order it directly from the author for $10.00 + shipping which is $3.00. Paypal address is mamasams17@yahoo.com and you can contact us thru same addie.
Liquidate My Attic Ebay store is a place to find most anything from antiques to sewing machine If your looking for something let me know I may have it. mamasams17@yahoo.com.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Reusable Shopping Bags
Did you know:
About 1 TRILLION plastic bags are used per year worldwide.
The average shopper in the UK uses about 300 plastic bags per year.
The average shopper in the USA uses about 1000 plastic bags per year.
The average shopping in Can uses about 1100 plastic bags per year.
Worldwide only 4% of plastic bags are recycled, the rest go to landfill and dump sites.
Twelve BILLION barrels of oil are used every year to make plastic bags.
and YES one person can make a difference - YOU
They don't have to be mine, but get yourself some reusable bags, they are relatively cheap and will last a lifetime
Put them in the car or fold a couple into your handbag or purse whenever you use them so you are more likely to remember them.
Show Off - Feel Smug and Tell your Friends! and have funf shopping with your new designer bags.
About 1 TRILLION plastic bags are used per year worldwide.
The average shopper in the UK uses about 300 plastic bags per year.
The average shopper in the USA uses about 1000 plastic bags per year.
The average shopping in Can uses about 1100 plastic bags per year.
Worldwide only 4% of plastic bags are recycled, the rest go to landfill and dump sites.
Twelve BILLION barrels of oil are used every year to make plastic bags.
and YES one person can make a difference - YOU
They don't have to be mine, but get yourself some reusable bags, they are relatively cheap and will last a lifetime
Put them in the car or fold a couple into your handbag or purse whenever you use them so you are more likely to remember them.
Show Off - Feel Smug and Tell your Friends! and have funf shopping with your new designer bags.
Recycling Jeans to create new items
Have you ever wonder what you could do with an old pair of Jeans. Old or discarded denim jeans provide a good source of fabric for recycling. Denim is a thick cotton fabric which is hard wearing and rugged. Most jeans get discarded because they no longer fit or have gone out of style or have tons of holes in them, however there is plenty of life left in the fabric itself.
Even very old or worn jeans can be useful, it is unlikely that a pair of jeans will be completely without any salvageable pieces of fabric. Pockets, zips and buttons are all useful and can make interesting embellishments on other projects.
How to make a skirt out of an old pair of jeans
Read more at Suite101: Recycle and Repurpose Old Jeans: Using Free Online Sewing Projects Sew Denim Skirts and Organizers http://www.suite101.com/content/recycle-and-repurpose-old-jeans-a29576#ixzz1G2epMGLz
How to make a skirt out of an old pair of jeans
One of the most popular ways of recycling jeans is to turn them into a skirt. This is easy to do and is an excellent project for a novice sewer. This is also a good way to encourage teenagers to get interested in sewing. The ability to chop up old clothes and to put their stamp of individuality onto a garment may well be the introduction to a lifelong interest in creative sewing. Denim skirts long and short, plain and fancy are straightforward to make using a few basic sewing skills.
SavvySeams.com - detailed instructions including step by step photographs explaining how to make a skirt from a pair of jeans.
Read more at Suite101: Recycle and Repurpose Old Jeans: Using Free Online Sewing Projects Sew Denim Skirts and Organizers http://www.suite101.com/content/recycle-and-repurpose-old-jeans-a29576#ixzz1G2fQ5FoX
SavvySeams.com - detailed instructions including step by step photographs explaining how to make a skirt from a pair of jeans.
The top of a pair of jeans lends itself to bag making. Many interesting styles of bags can be made making a useful feature of the jeans pockets. These bags can be embellished in a variety of ways, including embroidery and even needlefelting.
LoveToSew.com - Full instructions to sew a denim bag, including step by step photographs
QuiltPox.com - Step by step instructions to sew a small denim purse
The legs of jeans are a perfect size for making organizers. Different lengths can be cut to create a range of pocket sizes. This can be a good way to use up lengths of legs left over from other projects.
TheCreativeLife.tv - illustrated step by step instructions to make a kitchen organizer
WhiteSewing.com - printable pdf instructions to make an organizer. Uses jeans pockets
Many other types of garments are suitable for recycling and repurposing. T-shirts, woolen sweaters and anything with interesting vintage fabrics can make interesting sewing and needlework projects.
The ideas are endless when recycling jeans. Happy sewing!
Read more at Suite101: Recycle and Repurpose Old Jeans: Using Free Online Sewing Projects Sew Denim Skirts and Organizers http://www.suite101.com/content/recycle-and-repurpose-old-jeans-a29576#ixzz1G2fjGGjC
The top of a pair of jeans lends itself to bag making. Many interesting styles of bags can be made making a useful feature of the jeans pockets. These bags can be embellished in a variety of ways, including embroidery and even needlefelting.
LoveToSew.com - Full instructions to sew a denim bag, including step by step photographs
QuiltPox.com - Step by step instructions to sew a small denim purse
The legs of jeans are a perfect size for making organizers. Different lengths can be cut to create a range of pocket sizes. This can be a good way to use up lengths of legs left over from other projects.
TheCreativeLife.tv - illustrated step by step instructions to make a kitchen organizer
WhiteSewing.com - printable pdf instructions to make an organizer. Uses jeans pockets
Many other types of garments are suitable for recycling and repurposing. T-shirts, woolen sweaters and anything with interesting vintage fabrics can make interesting sewing and needlework projects.
The ideas are endless when recycling jeans. Happy sewing!
Read more at Suite101: Recycle and Repurpose Old Jeans: Using Free Online Sewing Projects Sew Denim Skirts and Organizers http://www.suite101.com/content/recycle-and-repurpose-old-jeans-a29576#ixzz1G2fjGGjC
Read more at Suite101: Recycle and Repurpose Old Jeans: Using Free Online Sewing Projects Sew Denim Skirts and Organizers http://www.suite101.com/content/recycle-and-repurpose-old-jeans-a29576#ixzz1G2fQ5FoX
Read more at Suite101: Recycle and Repurpose Old Jeans: Using Free Online Sewing Projects Sew Denim Skirts and Organizers http://www.suite101.com/content/recycle-and-repurpose-old-jeans-a29576#ixzz1G2epMGLz
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
My Article Has Been Published
Well today my article has been published. They did a whole page about me I couldn't believe it. I am hoping that it will give my business the spotlight it needs to push forward in helping stay at home moms and making a difference in saving our landfills. So go out and grab The Signal today and see what they are saying about me and From Trash To Treasures.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Advertising I Must Go
well here I am again advertising the blog. Trying to get the word out about what I am doing and what I am offering. Iw rote my article and sent it to the newspaper. I have also been advertisingon dfferent mom blog sites. So I am hoping that my advertising will start to pay off. Like they say advertising is the key to a successful business.
I also created a merchant circle page, linkin account and a twitter page so that should help get the traffic moving. After all this is about creating a difference and changing the way we see our landfills and helping those who really need the help. All i can do is follow my heart I know it will lead me to a rainbow of success.
I also created a merchant circle page, linkin account and a twitter page so that should help get the traffic moving. After all this is about creating a difference and changing the way we see our landfills and helping those who really need the help. All i can do is follow my heart I know it will lead me to a rainbow of success.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
We have sponsorship
It is hard to get people to see the need to recycle. I phoned around today to get some support from local businesses. And you no the response was very bad. No one seemed to care about what I was doing and why I was doing it. They even didn't care about saving our land fills. That made me sick to think they are filling our land fills out of ignorance.
But I didn't give up I kept phoning and phoning and I did get a few people to help with donations and I have one organization that does care to help and is sponsoring us in away. It is the Odessy House now how cool is that. I also posted an ad on kijiji and I have been getting a few responses. It is so important to get awareness out there about what we are doing and why we are doing it. Please tell everyone you know the more people we talk to the more support we can get. I so excited about the help we are getting. Also there is talk about featuring me in the local paper I am so honor about this.
But I didn't give up I kept phoning and phoning and I did get a few people to help with donations and I have one organization that does care to help and is sponsoring us in away. It is the Odessy House now how cool is that. I also posted an ad on kijiji and I have been getting a few responses. It is so important to get awareness out there about what we are doing and why we are doing it. Please tell everyone you know the more people we talk to the more support we can get. I so excited about the help we are getting. Also there is talk about featuring me in the local paper I am so honor about this.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Donations Are Always Needed
We are always looking for donations such as clothes, clay pots, paint cans, and more. We are also looking for sewing donations such as beads, sequences, bias tape, stuffing, felts, materials, thread, buttons anything that could be used to create a project. Any support is appreciated for more info email us
What we are about?
From trash To Treasures is a business and organization. That is dedicated in helping stay at home moms create and income to be able to substained their families. In this day and society many moms are choosing to stay home to care for their children. But with the age that we are in and the cost of living it is making stay at home moms return to work. As living on one income is a very tough thing to do.
So here at From Trash To Treasures we offer an unique approach in creating an income for these stay at home moms. We all believe that our landfills are filling up in a fast rate. And there are items that are thrown away on a daily bases that could be reused. Items like clothing, paint cans, ordaments, furniture, toys and more. These items could be recycled clothing could be turned into other items, like bags, recyclable shopping bags, toys, redesign clothing and more. Paint cans could be recycled into gift cans that can be used for great gift ideas, storage containers and more.Ordaments can be repainted to look like new as they say one mans trash is another mans treasures. Furniture can be repainted to look like new.
There is so much that can be done to make a difference in this world. So what we offer to stay at home moms is an opportunity to recycle items at almost no cost and to create something beautiful to be sold to create and income for themselves. The items that they create will be sold on this blog and in the new upcoming store, and at farmer markets.
There is a small fee that is added to the price of the item. This fee is any where from $1.00 and up. This fee is for advertising, sewing supplies, and table rentals for the farmer markets. We also offer tons of support, such as sewing support such as free patterns and more, mom to mom support with advertising, sewing and more.As we believe one mom alone can not build a building, but many can build an empire. Which means we thrive on the support of each other to climb to success. And the best thing about it all it is free to join.
God didn't create this world alone he had many angels to help. And I feel god is helping again by helping me create this opportunity to not only to save our landfills but to help stay at home moms create an income that so many need. So consider join us today!
So here at From Trash To Treasures we offer an unique approach in creating an income for these stay at home moms. We all believe that our landfills are filling up in a fast rate. And there are items that are thrown away on a daily bases that could be reused. Items like clothing, paint cans, ordaments, furniture, toys and more. These items could be recycled clothing could be turned into other items, like bags, recyclable shopping bags, toys, redesign clothing and more. Paint cans could be recycled into gift cans that can be used for great gift ideas, storage containers and more.Ordaments can be repainted to look like new as they say one mans trash is another mans treasures. Furniture can be repainted to look like new.
There is so much that can be done to make a difference in this world. So what we offer to stay at home moms is an opportunity to recycle items at almost no cost and to create something beautiful to be sold to create and income for themselves. The items that they create will be sold on this blog and in the new upcoming store, and at farmer markets.
There is a small fee that is added to the price of the item. This fee is any where from $1.00 and up. This fee is for advertising, sewing supplies, and table rentals for the farmer markets. We also offer tons of support, such as sewing support such as free patterns and more, mom to mom support with advertising, sewing and more.As we believe one mom alone can not build a building, but many can build an empire. Which means we thrive on the support of each other to climb to success. And the best thing about it all it is free to join.
God didn't create this world alone he had many angels to help. And I feel god is helping again by helping me create this opportunity to not only to save our landfills but to help stay at home moms create an income that so many need. So consider join us today!
Friday, February 4, 2011
Somethings to laugh about
Being a mom is full time job here are some jokes that will remind you just hard it can be but on he fun side of things. Laugh and have a great time and be proud that you are a mom.
I love being a mom don't you?
I love being a mom don't you?
Thursday, February 3, 2011
You Know When You Are A Wahm (work at home mom) When
You Know When You're a Wahm When
1. you start calling your children by your email addresses
2. You add links to your children lunch box notes
3. you ask your husband to email you when he is ready for his dinner
4. You have to shave your legs one at a time between answering yahoo messages
5. you have to take laptop to bed just to wake up your online friends in the morning
6. your wearing pink curlers in your hair and you forgot that your web cam was on
7.your child asks why are you laughing at the computer mom while looking at you like your crazy
8. your husband asks what is for dinner and you tell him it is the computer
9. You mastered folding laundry, and making a meal while chatting online at the same time
10: you leave a message on your answering including your business url and email addy
Ladies I hope you loved it as much as I loved writing it.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
My Journey
For years I travel down many different paths. And tried opportunity after opportunity and each one failed. No matter what I did or how much advertising or parties I did nothing worked.It was hard balancing my life as a wife and a mom to 6. Dealing with a special needs child, a trouble teen and running a business . It took me away from my husband and kids and the quality time I could of had with my kids.I missed out on alot and I cried alot. I was an emotional wreck I didn't care what people thought. I felt my life was spinning out of control.
Just when I thought life had dish me out enough stress my mother was diganoise with cervical cancer. It shocked me I was in disbelief a womn who is in her 60,s could have that kind of cancer. And to make things harder I was not able to be with her. We no extra money as money was not there. But I did raised what I could from online auctions etc and with that I was finally able to get to see her when she was in the hospital. two days after I got back my mom was rushed in for emergency surgery, the cancer was spreading at a fast rate.
That day I waited by the phone, and I cried praying that I would hear something soon. But never did until the following day.The night I waited for the call was the longest night of my life. At 2 in the morning something woke me, I had no idea what it was but at the moment I knew somethiing was wrong with my mom. All of a sudden a woman said get down and pray now. I was confused of what I was hearing thinking that I was losing it. Again I heard the voice this time it was louder and it said GET DOWN AND PRAY NOW. So I did and the tears flowed like they never did before I told god not to take my mom as she was all I had left. And that I still needed her in my life. I prayed for 2 hours that night exhausted I fianlly laid down to sleep. When I got the call in the morning it was the shock of my life.
You see at 2 in the morning my mom went into cardic arrest and they almost lost her. They said her heart stopped and at the time they were trying to bring her back there was a bright light around her. I feel the light was the angel god sent to my mom as I prayed for her life. yes I believe in the power of a prayer. My mom survived tha night. It has been 2 years now and the cancer has not come back. After this scare I discovered during our time of need god sends us an angel. I feel he sent me one that night to get me to pray to give her the strength she needed to pull through.
Life has given me many challenges, And I have learnt alot from each one. And as a mother my greatest gift from god is my children.
Just when I thought life had dish me out enough stress my mother was diganoise with cervical cancer. It shocked me I was in disbelief a womn who is in her 60,s could have that kind of cancer. And to make things harder I was not able to be with her. We no extra money as money was not there. But I did raised what I could from online auctions etc and with that I was finally able to get to see her when she was in the hospital. two days after I got back my mom was rushed in for emergency surgery, the cancer was spreading at a fast rate.
That day I waited by the phone, and I cried praying that I would hear something soon. But never did until the following day.The night I waited for the call was the longest night of my life. At 2 in the morning something woke me, I had no idea what it was but at the moment I knew somethiing was wrong with my mom. All of a sudden a woman said get down and pray now. I was confused of what I was hearing thinking that I was losing it. Again I heard the voice this time it was louder and it said GET DOWN AND PRAY NOW. So I did and the tears flowed like they never did before I told god not to take my mom as she was all I had left. And that I still needed her in my life. I prayed for 2 hours that night exhausted I fianlly laid down to sleep. When I got the call in the morning it was the shock of my life.
You see at 2 in the morning my mom went into cardic arrest and they almost lost her. They said her heart stopped and at the time they were trying to bring her back there was a bright light around her. I feel the light was the angel god sent to my mom as I prayed for her life. yes I believe in the power of a prayer. My mom survived tha night. It has been 2 years now and the cancer has not come back. After this scare I discovered during our time of need god sends us an angel. I feel he sent me one that night to get me to pray to give her the strength she needed to pull through.
Life has given me many challenges, And I have learnt alot from each one. And as a mother my greatest gift from god is my children.
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