We are reclaiming history and recycling to create new.
Welcome to From Trash To Treasures
We are an online and offline Canadian business blog. That is dedicated in creating a greener world. We offer recycling ideas, tips, advice and business support. So come on in and learn more about our business, products and what we are doing to create a greener world.
Hello my name is Anita Riddell and I am wife to a wonderful man of 22 years. And a mother to 6 beautiful children 3 boys and 3 girls. And a very successful Work At Home Mom. My children are the reason I choose to work at home. I am accomplish poet and write who enjoys writing about life and journey's we travel everyday.It was one of those journey's that led me to the business that my husband and I have chose.
From trash to treasures was built on a foundation To create a greener world. My husband and I chose to recycle our products instead of making brand news ones. By doing this we are reclaiming history and recycling to create new. So that there will be an earth left for generations to come. Join the revolution with us and go green with your business and your lives. And help us leave something behind for generations to come.
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