You Know When You're a Wahm When
1. you start calling your children by your email addresses
2. You add links to your children lunch box notes
3. you ask your husband to email you when he is ready for his dinner
4. You have to shave your legs one at a time between answering yahoo messages
5. you have to take laptop to bed just to wake up your online friends in the morning
6. your wearing pink curlers in your hair and you forgot that your web cam was on
7.your child asks why are you laughing at the computer mom while looking at you like your crazy
8. your husband asks what is for dinner and you tell him it is the computer
9. You mastered folding laundry, and making a meal while chatting online at the same time
10: you leave a message on your answering including your business url and email addy
Ladies I hope you loved it as much as I loved writing it.
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